Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

Gebet für Jakob

Dear Brothers and Sisters

I have a prayer request for Jakob M.
Jakob is my ex-boyfriend.
We've been together for over three years and seperated last march... Since Oktober we are back in contact. And we are trying, if there is one more chance for our relationship, because the feelings are still there! Sometimes he comes to visit me.

Just like this Sunday.
He is a believer, better said, a very spiritual person, and a really good young man, but he doesn't want to accept Jesus as his Saviour... His parents grew up in a little village, where everyone went to church, but the most persons didn't behave as Christians. That caused a lot of pain in my heart in the last years... Because I know, and that for over 4 years now, that the Lord wants to have him by his side!!! The Lord gives me a lot of signs for that!

I often tried to get him to church, but I always did it the wrong way! I tried to get him in church by MY force, forgetting, that only the Lord can work in him... And aslong he has the feeling, that he is forced to do it, he will never open his heart.

Sunday we had a very long and tearfully conversation after church... He didn't want to join me and rested at home, while I went to church. I told him, that I still have hopes, that one day he will become a Christian. He said, that I should not hope for this, because he is very satisfied with his way to believe and he doesn't need a church to live his believe... He told me that I have to accept it like it is.... That he will never be a Christian, and he will never go reguarally to a church.

Today I woke up, and I knew, that the Lord will work...

Yes I knew it!!!
I had the feeling in my breast and I wanted to cry out of joy!!! After our conversation yesterday, I spent time with the Lord and prayed. I asked the Lord for power, to get the right decision about us... Shall I give it up???

But today the Lord send my this power and I will start to pray!!! Every day I will spent time to pray just for him!!! That the Holy Spirit will enter his heart!!! I know he will! The devil worked enough for now!!! I gave him to much time to work in him and work in us!!!! I know, that the Lord is a God of wonders, and he works!!!

And here is the point, where I want to ask you for support!!! Could you please include Jakob in your prayer??? I want to create a wall of angels, that will destroy the wall which is within him, that doesn't allow the Lord to enter!!! I know the Lord will work!!

I will take a special time to pray for him until Easter-Sunday... (I don't exactly know, which time I will choose, but I will give you a note, when I found the exact time for this special prayer) And I know I will see miracles in his life and in my life... The holy spirit is here, and I feel him... It is a wonderfull feeling, to know, that the Lord is here and that he works...

I ask the Lord, to fortify me...
And I will ask you, to support me in prayer...
And the Lord will work!

He worked in my Mom, when she was ill...
He worked in my uncle, who find the way to the Lord...


Thank you for your prayers

Gloria Luta